If you’re already a diesel engine lover you probably know all the reasons that diesel engines are better than gasoline engines. MDP Diesel & Auto wants to share with you some very specific reasons why diesel engines are a better choice overall.
Gasoline engines aren’t known for their towing power. When you really want something that can haul heavy items, you turn to diesel engines. That’s because diesel engines produce a lot more torque than gasoline engines do. That also means that diesel engines don’t just haul, they can maintain speeds while towing. Some of the most powerful engines in the world are diesel engines, and they do a lot of heavy lifting.
Gasoline engines have terrible fuel mileage when compared to diesel engines. That’s because diesel fuel is energetically denser than gasoline is, yielding sometimes 25 percent more miles per gallon than gasoline does. For drivers that rack up a lot of miles, particularly on the highway, diesel is the more economical choice.
Gasoline is highly flammable, which makes it a scary substance to have around in certain circumstances. Diesel fuel, on the other hand, is a lot more stable than gasoline is. That means that it’s not as likely to combust in an accident and it’s easier to store outside of the vehicle as well. Diesel engines are also a little less picky about their fuel than gasoline engines are. Diesel engines can run on standard diesel fuel or on biodiesel fuels made from things like grease, vegetable oil, and more. Diesel engines can potentially recycle used oils into useable fuel.
Diesel engines tend to have longer lives than their gasoline counterparts. They operate at a lower RPM than gasoline engines do, which means that there’s less wear and tear in general. Diesel engines also tend to have sturdier parts to begin with, including all of the valves and pistons. That means that diesel engines can handle more abuse in general.
Need help making sure your diesel is in perfect running order? MDP Diesel & Auto in Jackson, MI would love to help. Contact us today and we can set up an appointment to schedule your next necessary maintenance. We can also quickly and professionally diagnose any issues you might be having with your diesel engine, getting you back on the road as fast as possible.
The post Four Reasons Diesel Engines Are Better than Gasoline Engines appeared first on MDP Diesel.
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